Is it possible to reduce meat consumption in our culture?

´At ease with the Earth’ analyzes the consumption of meat in society, as well as the possibility of alternatives to reduce its sustainable impact and improve health

Is it possible to reduce meat consumption in our culture?

Two women buy meat in a market in Madrid. EFE / Victor Casado

Meat enters the space to talk about the food of the future and the challenges it poses for the coming years in terms of its consumption.

Henar Fernandez, driver of the podcastand Noelia Lopeza Nestlé nutritionist, bring us the recommendations to achieve a healthy and sustainable diet beyond this food.

In the new program meat is the protagonist. Why do we like meat so much? Why do we consume it more than necessary?

Meat is one of the most consumed foods in our society. Evolutionarily, the human being comes from a food system based on gathering and hunting.

“There are cultures and religions that precisely follow vegetarian patterns, but the Western world has a strong link with meat and with recipes rich in foods of animal origin and derived products such as sausages”

explains the nutritionist.

In addition, the mistaken thought that the proteins that meat and its derivatives provide us with are of higher quality than vegetables is also very common.

It is thought that if we do not consume it with a certain frequency, or even in a certain quantity, we will not cover the protein needs required to maintain our health.

Environmental impact of meat

There are differences in the type of animal, veal, chicken or rabbit, as well as the origin of this meat. It also takes into account how it has been fed or how it has been raised.

“Ruminants, red meat such as cows, emit more greenhouse gases than white meat. Therefore, to avoid the growth of emissions, as well as for health reasons, it is preferable to prioritize white meat such as chicken”

recommends Noelia López.

In the event that this change costs us, we have vegetable alternatives similar in taste and texture to replace meat consumption.

meat cows
Cows, red meat. EFE/Javier Onion

Apart of this it is important “to adjust the consumption of the portions that we take to the recommendations”.

“In this way we will be much more respectful and responsible with the problem of food waste, which is part of food sustainability.”

says the specialist.

Paying attention to these items, frequency of consumption and waste, we would already be much more sustainable.

Is it advisable to stop eating red meat?

Demonizing food is not a good initiative, says the nutritionist.

“The preferable thing is to reduce meat intake and try to introduce more vegetables in our diet such as legumes and cereals”

defends the nutritionist.

It is not about eliminating the intake, he proposes, but about “making a more responsible consumption, reducing the portions and the frequency of consumption”.

The role of the fish

If we opt for local and seasonal fish, its consumption will be more sustainable.

Another way to bet on sustainability in terms of fishing is the worldwide maintenance of the natural network, the consumption of aquaculture and vegetable or shellfish alternatives.


It’s about the production of fish and shellfish in a controlled manner. “This practice is not very well known but little by little it is growing. It is more efficient in terms of sustainability and it is making a niche for itself in the market.”

“Today it is FAO’s strongest commitment to ensure that the consumption of these foods is sustainable. In addition, it has a positive impact on food safety and the consequent commitment to fresh local products”


sustainable market

Legumes, cereals, nuts and seeds are plant foods that can cover protein needs.

“Tempeh and tofu, made with soy and wheat, are good substitutes for meat. These alternatives are related to veggie patterns, but you don’t have to follow this diet to include them in our diet”

advises Noelia López.

Other vegetarian or vegan alternatives provide a lot of variety in our menus, but they do not pretend to imitate meat.

vegetarian recipe

But we also found a group of 100% vegan alternatives that if they get the consumer to enjoy eating a hamburger or sausages with a cooking and texture similar to meat.

Something similar happens with “the tuna, la Vuna, which already has vegetable alternatives and which allows us to enjoy the taste, even the smell, of tunabut with a totally vegetable product made from peas”.

Nowadays it is easy to find this type of products in the market. Its expansion makes it possible to help sustainability, since more and more sustainable products are available to everyone.

About Jose Alexis Correa Valencia

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