Daniel Quintero requested precautionary measures before the IACHR for threats - Medellín - Colombia

As he had announced, the mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quintero Calle, visited the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in Washington to request precautionary measures to protect his life and that of his family, and his political rights.

During the visit, the president met with Joel Hernández García, commissioner of the IACHR and rapporteur for Colombia; María Claudia Pulido, Deputy Executive Secretary of the IACHR; and Fernanda dos Anjos, coordinator of the Precautionary Measures Section.

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In the first instance and urgently, the mayor told the IACHR about the threats he has received since before beginning his mandate and since he took office as mayor of Medellín.

He especially referred to the increase in these events in recent months through emails, messages on social networks and the construction of plans to attempt against his life that were revealed by human sources.

As everyone knows, the demands and complaints that we have made about Hidroituango have put my life and that of my family at serious risk. That is why today, before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, we have exposed these threats. Unfortunately, the Colombian State continues to fail to comply with the ruling of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the Attorney General’s Office has been violating the American Convention on Human Rights,” said Quintero Calle.

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Parallel, the mayor requested that his political rights and freedom of expression be protected in the recall process that he is currently facing and which coincides temporarily with the legislative elections in the country, for which the Colombian State must guarantee balance in its decisions in administrative or judicial processes.

In this regard, it also argued that the Colombian State has not complied with what was stated by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights that no administrative authority can prevent the defense of a democratically elected authority, which states that it has not complied with the sentence of the same IACHR in July 2020 in the case of Gustavo Petro and that requires taking legal measures to prevent the repetition of violations of political rights.

On this last point, this newspaper consulted the professor at the University of Antioquia, Alejandro Gómez Restrepo, a specialist in human rights issues, and explained that the mayor of Medellín could indeed request a precautionary measure (it is requested when there is an imminent risk or a violation of a human right) before the commission for his personal security with a technical document that is raised through a system, through a web page, but he could not do the same for the revocation process because, in simple words, this has not happened, that is, the citizenry has not voted whether or not to continue in office.

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Under this scenario, as the professor explained, the revocation could not be paused because for a precautionary measure to operate, three elements are required: urgency, necessity and irreparable damage.

“As long as the recall does not occur, we are neither in a state of emergency, nor need, nor irreparable damage. If eventually the revocation dismisses him, he could file an individual petition but he would have to first exhaust the internal resources (for example guardianships)”, explained the teacher.


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