Property tax: payment dates in Bogotá, Medellín and Cali for 2022 - Other Cities - Colombia

The predial is the tax that falls on real estate and is generated by the existence of the property. It is an income owned by the municipalities and districts, which are responsible for its administration, collection and control. This allows the granting of tax exemptions, as well as the adoption of preferential rates for non-fiscal purposes of taxes.

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The taxable base of this tax, that is, the value on which it must be settled, depends on the cadastral appraisal.

Below we tell you the payment dates in Bogotá, Medellín and Cali for this year.


The District Secretary of Finance released the tax calendar for 2022, which maintains the 10% discount for prompt payment for Predial and Vehicle taxesas well as the possibility of deferring the value to pay of these two taxes in four equal installments, without interest or penalties.

As in 2021, this year’s calendar distributes expirations according to the last letter of the CHIP for Predial and the last digit of the license plate for Vehicles.

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Thus, for taxpayers who want to earn a 10% discount for prompt payment on the value of the Predial tax, they will have maturities between March 31 and April 8.

In the case of vehicle tax, the due dates will be from April 29 to May 6.

Another possibility is to take advantage of the voluntary alternative payment system for quotas (SPAC). The initial declaration must be made on March 30. The payment of the first installment on May 13; the second, on July 8; the third, on September 9, and the fourth, on November 11.

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Resolution No. 202150189012, of January 2022, established the tax calendar of the Medellin mayor’s office. For the payment of property tax, the dates were as follows:

1. The surcharge date for the first quarter of 2022 is the March 29.

2. For the second quarter, June 28.

3. For the third quarter, on September 28.

4. For the last quarter of the year it will be December 28.

The payment dates without surcharges, as stipulated in the tax calendar, will depend on the commune to which the property belongs.

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Through Decree 4112.010.20.1058 of December 30, 2021, the Cali mayor’s office determined the discount percentage for prompt payment for taxpayers of the unified property tax (IPU) fiscal validity 2022, which will be 15 percent up to 30 percent. of April.

After May 1 and until September 30, the settlement applies without discount and without late payment interest. As of October 1, default interest will begin to run on the IPU for this period.

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