Santa Marta: District Comptroller denounces death threats - Other Cities - Colombia

The district comptroller of Santa Marta, Chadan Rosado Taylormade known his concern about some intimidating text messages that he has been receiving on his private cell phone number.

(Also read: Controversy over the indigenous proposal to relocate statues in Santa Marta)

The representative of the control entity assures that these threats, in which they warn him that they will attempt against his life, do not have a clear issuer, but they coincide with some findings that he has made known in recent days, as a result of investigations carried out against the Public services company.

After ratifying an alleged detriment of Essmar worth 41,000 million pesos, I have been receiving threatening messages

“After ratifying an alleged detriment of Essmar worth 41,000 million pesos, I have been receiving threatening messages that continue to be disturbing for me and my family,” Rosado said.

The comptroller said that this risk situation was already reported to the authorities so that the origin can be established and immediate protection measures can be established.

“I cannot point to any at this time, but I am going to file a complaint against an undetermined subject, hoping that my safety and that of my family will be guaranteed,” Chadán Rosado noted.

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The Call to Mayor Virna Johnson

Likewise, the representative of the Comptroller indicated that in Santa Marta it has become a bad practice to receive insults and threats every time a control body pronounces on some irregularity.

He also called on Mayor Virna Johnson not to get involved in the case of alleged findings against Essmar.

The foregoing, taking into account that it is the responsibility of the managers linked to the investigations to exercise their defense and with technical evidence demonstrate that there was no kind of detriment to public resources during their management at the head of Essmar.

Roger Urieles
For THE WEATHER Santa Marta

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